Saturday, November 06, 2004

The American Election

Well,..."You will say why in the world you have to say something about this election and you are not even a citizen?",....Let me start by adding I am not yet a Citizen!!!
The Election in the US is very Important for everyone in the World except if you live in a part of the world that is not directly or indirectly influenced by the US polices...And I find it very hard to find a Country that fits this definition...
A simple example would be for instance....Just to make my case why the administration's decisions of this Country have a great effect on what happens in the World? Well, the first example that comes to mind is very important to every country that is trying to have a nice education system...Trying to get some help from a great International Body like the UNESCO. Well, the US embargoed this Body for nearly 25 years...And this body's funding was cut off by 25% right away.

Well , back to the elections...To everyone's surprise and except Carl Rove's for sure the " Architect" as the president calls him. "Values" yes, believe it or not "values" were the number one reason why people voted for this president. People who are " Anti-choice right for women" people who are " anti- stem Cell research", people who are " Anti Gay marriage"....People who lost their jobs,still voted for this President!!! This should make all of us stop and think...About how things are ran in this country...All of us should stop and think and ask ourselves is this true? Is it true that a man or a woman who believes in all of these stuff and lost his or her job still voted for "W"? And you should ask yourself why?
Well...To me the answer is not too clear...And it can be argued...Let me start by saying I disagree with these guys about all these issues except the abortion issue,...Because if it is noble and of high value to walk on the side walk and not cut trees because they are in our way, if it is true that we should protect lives regardless of what they are in which form and in which stage, being it a fetus or a zygote...I believe in Protecting life no matter what...For the other issues it is outrageous I do not think we should even discuss them...I up-hold science and I am for the right of any two adults they want to live their lives the way they want too...Who am I to judge these people...I am no better...
My objection to "W" is simple...He is misleading us...He says he is pro-life...And Abortion rate is sky rocketing...He says he is pro family...Divorce is peaking,...He says he is against Terrorism...My question for him would be what did you do to protect the nuclear proliferation programs in the world? Why North Korea has 6-7 Nuclear Heads and it acquired them while you were watching? Why serious Hegemony over Lebanon is in its ugliest form on your watch? ( what happened to the claim of justice and the freedom is on the march thing?) why Iran has already all the ingredients to build a nuclear weapon on your watch? And why and why and why?... This President has spent 1 Billion dollars for this election...And he managed to mislead and convince lots of people that I admire and love ...People that I love and share with them the fundamentals of my faith...He mislead them to vote for him...May God bless us all and may He protect us form what will happen during these next four years...Mr. President please try to live up to these ideals you claim you have... I haven't seen them in your deeds...I only heard them in your talks...
We had a rough game that day,...Ouff Posted by Hello
I always had friends...that were tall and thin..this is a tribute to them... Posted by Hello
three minute before 2004 is n't that remarkable you see the ball is almost falling Posted by Hello
At the winery In Tamecula, CA...just Kidding
Wine Tasting in Tamecula- Riverside-CA Posted by Hello
Downtown San Diego-CA Posted by Hello
City Walk in Los Angeles,-CA... Posted by Hello
NYC -move forward the direction is like this... Posted by Hello
doesn't it sound familiar...I hope someone will listen one day Posted by Hello